I assisted with the physical production process for this short featuring Avery Stump, Roy Crane, Joedy Gardner and Al Potenza, as they describe some of their experiences during their service in the Navy.

I had the opportunity to introduce Rich Keefer and assist with the physical production of this short, describing Rich Keefer’s experience in the Navy and operating an F-8 Crusader.

I had the lovely opportunity to assist in physical production as well as act as introduce Allan Cartwright in this video.

I had the lovely opportunity to direct this music video, commemorating the original version of the song, "Anchors Aweigh”, the fight song of the United States Naval Academy and unofficial march song of the United States Navy.

I was given the opportunity to attend and photograph the once in a lifetime experience of Richard ‘Dick’ Miralles, a week before his 100th birthday, receive a Distinguished Flying Cross with three stars as well as 14 Air Medals at the state capitol. See more about the ceremony here:


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The Autopsy, Supplemental College application